MSRJ Contest

Medical Student Research Journal Submission Contest

We at the MSRJ want to encourage student publications, so we’ve decided to organize a contest for a cash reward! We are pleased to announce the introduction of the MSRJ Submission Contest! $300 goes to the winner of each of four categories: Best Case Report, Best Reflection, Best Original Research or Brief Report, and Best Review to be submitted for possible publication. We will be voting for the best manuscript submitted in each of these categories. Submissions are due by October 1st, 2013 and you can learn more about the contest rules and guidelines here.


 MSRJ Contest Flyer - 6-4-13






Spring 2013 – Funding the Future

Funding the Future.
David L. Ortiz.

Author Affiliations:
College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA

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Corresponding author: David Ortiz; ortizdav[at]
Key Words: N/A

The problems facing healthcare training today are not simple. Predictions about future demand for physicians have a poor track record, as the GMENAC studies of the 1980s showed. Even if one could predict perfectly the demand for physicians in the future, history has shown that it takes 10-40 years for the full effects of increased medical school enrollment to be felt. The rate of GME must rise. In its present state, GME could sustain reductions as great as 10% of funding without the loss of total residency slots, but any decrease in GME funding will undoubtedly perpetuate the inadequacy of the physician workforce. By 2016, without increased GME funding, there will be a substantial increase in the number of unmatched US seniors and a substantial decrease in the number of foreign medical grads.

Published: May 31, 2013
Senior Editor: N/A
Junior Editor: N/A
DOI: Pending
Ortiz DL. Funding the Future. Medical Student Research Journal. 2013;2(Spring):36-39.
1. National Resident Matching Program. NRMP post-match press release. Washington, DC: National Resident Matching Program; 2013.

2. Education USSGCG on M, Bane F. Physicians for a growing America: report. Washington, DC: Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; 1959.

3. Ruhe CW. Present projections of physician production. JAMA. 1966; 198(10):1094-100.

4. National Residency Matching Program. Results and data: 2012 main residency match SM. Washington, DC: National Residency Matching Program; 2012.

5. Health Resources Administration, Office of Graduate Medical Education. Report of the Graduate Medical Education National Advisory Committee, Volumes I-VII. Washington, DC: Health Resources Administration, Office of Graduate Medical Education; 1980.

6. Nicholson S. Will the United States have a shortage of physicians in 10 years? 2009. Available from: Accessed May 1, 2013.

7. Office of Inspector General. Medicare hospital prospective payment system how DRG rates are calculated and updated; Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health &
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8. Reinhardt UE. Analyzing cause and effect in the U.S. physician workforce. Health Aff. 2002; 21(1):165-6.

9. Center for Workforce Studies. Results of the 2011 Medical School Enrollment Survey. Washington, DC: Association of American Medical Colleges; 2011.

10. Center for Workforce Studies. 2011 State physician workforce data book. Washington, DC: Association of American Medical Colleges; 2011.

11. National Resident Matching Program. NRMP residency match 2013 results. Washington, DC: National Resident Matching Program; 2013.

12. Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003 (2003H.R. 1). Available from: [cited 15 May 2013].

13. Chen C, Xierali I, Piwnica-Worms K, Phillips R. The redistribution of graduate medical education positions in 2005 failed to boost primary care or rural training. Health Aff. 2013; 32(1):102-10.

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15. Porter S. Federal dollars launch National Family Medicine Residency Program. AAFP. Available at: publications/news/news-now/education-professional-development/20130307ntlfmresidency.html. Accessed May 6, 2013.

16. Innovative funding opens new residency slots; 2006. Available from: [cited 1 May 2013].

17. Privately Funded Residency.; 2013. Available from: Accessed May 13, 2013.

18. Oransky I. How much for that dermatologist in the window? Slate; 2005. Available from: > [cited 15 May 2013].

19. Kirch DG, Henderson MK, Dill MJ. Physician workforce projections in an era of health care reform. Annu Rev Med. 2012; 63(1):435-45.

20. Association of American Medical Colleges. AAMC physician workforce policy recommendations. Washington, DC: Association of American Medical Colleges; 2012.

21. Rye B. 2012. Assessing the impact of potential cuts in medicare doctor-training subsidies. Washington, DC: Bloomberg Government.

22. Office of Management and Budget. Fiscal year 2014 budget of the U.S. Government. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office; 2013.

23. Training Tomorrow’s Doctors Today Act (H.R. 1201). Available from: [cited 1 May 2013].

24. Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2013 (H.R.1180). Available from: [cited 1 May 2013]

25.Association of American Medical Colleges. House bill would increase residency positions, ease doctor shortage. Available from: [cited 15 May 2013].

26. Resident Physician Shortage Reduction Act of 2011 (2011S. 1627). Available from: [cited 15 May 2013].

27. Resident Physician Shortage Reduction and Graduate Medical Education Accountability and Transparency Act (2012H.R. 6352). Available from: [cited 15 May 2013]

28. Nasca TJ, Miller RS, Holt KD. The potential impact of reduction in federal GME funding in the United States: a study of the estimates of designated institutional officials. J Grad Med Educ. 2011; 3(4):585-90.

29. The Center for American Progress Health Policy Team. The senior protection plan. Washington, DC: Center for American Progress; 2012.

30. Wynn B, Guarino C, Morse L, Cho M. 2006. Alternative ways of financing graduate medical education.

31. Wan J. Medical students celebrate being paired with
hospitals. The State News. March 2013. Available from: [cited 15 May 2013].

Spring 2013 – Potential Pathogen Transmission on Medical Student Anatomy Laboratory Clothing

Potential Pathogen Transmission on Medical Student Anatomy Laboratory Clothing.
Chandan J. Kabadi1, Carroll R. Smith III1, Fernando Gomez2*

Author Affiliations:
1American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine, Cupecoy, St. Maarten
2Department of Pathology, American University of the Caribbean School of Medicine, Cupecoy, St. Maarten

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*Corresponding author: Fernando Gomez MD; fgomez[at]
Key Words: Pathogen Transmission; Infectious Precautions; White Coat; Medical Students; Contamination; Cadaver.
Introduction: Despite great advances in the fields of medicine and sanitation, nosocomial infections remain a very common and serious issue. Many of these problems can be avoided by simple hand washing; however, pathogenic microbes can spread through other modes too. In our study, we aim to determine if the setting of an open cadaver laboratory was conducive to the transmission of pathogens such as Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, and Enterococcus faecalis. Methods: For this investigation, 67 volunteer medical students had their laboratory coats swabbed and sampled during their time in anatomy laboratory class. Each coat was sampled prior to cadaver contact and at the end of their time in the laboratory, which coincided with the exploration of the gastrointestinal tract. Results: We found that pathogens were present on the laboratory coats of the students. An increase in each of the three microbes for which we tested was detected at the end of the anatomy laboratory course on the garments of the participants. There were six more student laboratory coats with S. aureus in the post-dissection swabbing and there were three more student laboratory coats with S. pyogenesin the post-dissection swabbing than originally documented. E. faecalis was found on four student laboratory coats in the post-dissection swabbing compared to none pre-dissection. Discussion: From these results, we conclude that stronger infection control measures are warranted to prevent the occurrence of unnecessary disease transmission in this setting. Our study provides data that support further investigation of potential pathogen transmission by student laboratory clothing and supports the use of universal infection control procedures to provide safer
environments for medical students and their contacts, including laundering protocols for coats.

Published: May 31, 2013
Senior Editor: Jon Zande
Junior Editor: Kailyne Van Stavern
DOI: Pending
Kabadi CJ, Smith III CR, Gomez F. Potential Pathogen Transmission on Medical Student Anatomy Laboratory Clothing. Medical Student Research Journal. 2013;2(Spring):30-35.
1. Boyce JM, Pittet D. Guideline for hand hygiene in health care settings: recommendations of the Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee and the HICPAC/SHEA/APIC/IDSA Hand Hygiene Task Force. MMWR. 2002; 51(RR-16).

2. Siegel JD, Rhinehard E, Jackson M, Chiarello L, the HICPAC. Management of multidrug-resistant organisms in healthcare settings. AJIC. 2006; 35(10):S165-93.

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4. Kluytmans J, van Belkum A, Verbrugh H. Nasal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus: epidemiology, underlying mechanisms, and associated risks. Clin Microbiol Rev. 1997; 10(3):505-20.

5. Sevillano D, Aguilar L, Alou L, et al. b-Lactam effects on mixed cultures of common respiratory isolates as an approach to treatment effects on nasopharyngeal bacterial population dynamics. PloS One. 2008; 3(12):e3846.

6. Noble CJ. Carriage of group D streptococci in the human bowel. J Clin Pathol. 1978; 31:1182-6.

7. Nurkin S, Urban, C, Mangini, E, Mariano, N. Is the clinician’s necktie a potential fomite for hospital acquired infections [abstract]. 104th General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology. 2004.

8. National Health Service Department of Health. Uniforms and workwear: an evidence base for developing local policy. National Health Service Department of Health; 2007. Available from:

9. O’Sullivan E, Mitchell B. An improved composition for embalming fluid to preserve cadavers for anatomy teaching in the UK. J Anat. 1993; 182(Pt. 2):295-7.

11. Demiryurek D, Bayramoglu A, Ustacelebi S. Infective agents in fixed human cadavers: a brief review and suggested guidelines. Anat Rec. 2002; 269(4):194-7. 10.1002/ar.10143.

12. Watson, R. General & medical microbiology: summary of biochemical tests. University of Wyoming; 2013. Available from:

Spring 2013 – A Comprehensive Stroke Center Patient Registry: Advantages, Limitations, and Lessons Learned

A Comprehensive Stroke Center Patient Registry: Advantages, Limitations, and Lessons Learned.
James E. Siegler1$, Amelia K. Boehme2,3$, Adrianne M. Dorsey1, Dominique J. Monlezun1, Alex J. George1, Amir Shaban4, H. Jeremy Bockholt5,6, Karen C. Albright2,3,7,8, Sheryl Martin-Schild4*.
Author Affiliations:
1Tulane University School of Medicine, New Orleans, LA, USA
2Department of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA
3Department of Neurology, School of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA
4Stroke Program, Department of Neurology, Tulane University Hospital, New Orleans, LA, USA
5Advanced Biomedical Informatics Group, LLC, Iowa City, IA, USA
6Department of Psychiatry, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA
7Health Services and Outcomes Research Center for Outcome and Effectiveness Research and Education (COERE), University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA
8Center of Excellence in Comparative Effectiveness Research for Eliminating Disparities (CERED), Minority Health & Health Disparities Research Center (MHRC), University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA

$James E. Siegler and Amelia K. Boehme contributed equally to the production of this manuscript.


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*Corresponding Author: Sheryl Martin-Schild; smartin2[at]
Key Words: Stroke; Registries; Methodology; Epidemiological Methods; Common Data Elements; Source Data Verification.
There has been a trend to portray doctors as “all” - all knowing, all thinking, all seeing, all doing. We’re all brains, learning and memorizing, and all hands, cutting and suturing. Doctors can be any or none of these things, but sometimes we miss our greatest strength: we can be all Heart. And by being all Heart, we must be careful how our experiences affect us.

Published: May 31, 2013
Senior Editor: Kevin C. Patterson
Junior Editor: Jessica L. Wummel
DOI: Pending
Siegler JE, Boehme AK, Dorsey AM, Monlezun DJ, George AJ, Shaban A, Bockckholt HJ, Albright KC, Martin-Schild S. A Comprehensive Stroke Center Patient Registry: Advantages, Limitations, and Lessons Learned. Medical Student Research Journal. 2013;2(Spring):21-29.
1. Kunitz SC, Gross CR, Heyman A, et al. The pilot stroke data bank: definition, design, and data. Stroke. 1984; 15:740-6.

2. Mohr JP, Caplan LR, Melski JW, et al. The harvard cooperative stroke registry: a prospective registry. Neurology. 1978; 28(8):754-62.

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4. Ding D, Lu CZ, Fu JH, Hong Z. Predictors of vascular events after ischemic stroke: the China ischemic stroke registry study. Neuroepidemiology. 2010; 34:110-16.

5. Turin TC, Kita Y, Rumana N, et al. Diurnal variation in onset of hemorrhagic stroke is independent of risk factor status: Takashima stroke registry. Neuroepidemiology. 2010; 34:25-33.

6. Schwamm LH, Fonarow GC, Reeves MJ, et al. Get with the guidelines-stroke is associated with sustained improvement in care for patients hospitalized with acute stroke or transient ischemic attack. Circulation. 2009; 119:107-15.

7. LaBresh KA. Quality of acute stroke care improvement framework for the paul coverdell national acute stroke registry: facilitating policy and system change at the hospital level. Am J Prev Med. 2006; 31(6):S246-50.

8. George MG, Tong X, McGruder H, et al. Paul coverdell national acute stroke registry surveillance – four states. 2005-2007. MMWR Surveill Summ. 2009; 58(SS07):1-23.

9. Jakobsen E, Palshof T, Osterlind K, Pilegaard H. Data from a national lung cancer registry contributes to improve outcome and quality of surgery: Danish results. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg. 2009; 35(2):348-52.

10. Larsson S, Lawyer P, Garellick G, Lindahl B, Lundstrom M. Use of 13 disease registries in 5 countries demonstrates the potential to use outcome data to improve health care’s value. Health Aff. 2012; 31(1):220-7.

11. Maas AI. Traumatic brain injury: simple data collection will improve the outcome. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 2007; 119(1-2):20-2.

12. Xian Y, Fonarow GC, Reeves MJ, et al. Data quality in the American Heart Association get with the guidelines-stroke (gwtg-stroke): results from a national data validation audit. Am Heart J. 2012; 163(3): 392-8,e1.

13. Yoon SS, George MG, Myers S, et al. Analysis of data-collection methods for an acute stroke care registry. Am J Prev Med. 2006; 31(6):S196-201.

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15. Arts DG, De Keizer NF, Scheffer GJ. Defining and improving data quality in medical registries: a literature review, case study, and generic framework. J Am Med Inform Assoc. 2002; 9(6):600-11.

16. Siegler JE, Martin-Schild S. Early neurological deterioration (end) after stroke: the end depends on the definition. Int J Stroke. 2011; 6(3):211-2.

17. Albright KC, Martin-Schild S, Bockholt HJ, et al. No consensus on definition criteria for stroke registry common data elements. Cerebrovasc Dis Extra. 2011; 1(1):84-92.

18. Davis FG, Bruner JM, Surawicz TS. The rationale for standardized registration and reporting of brain and central nervous system tumors in population-based cancer registries. Neuroepidemiology. 1997; 16(6):308-16.

19. Leung LY, Albright KC, Boehme AK, et al. Short-term bleeding events observed with clopidogrel loading in acute ischemic stroke patients. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2013; 22(7):1184-9.

20. Siegler JE, Boehme AK, Albright KC, Martin-Schild S. Ethnic disparities trump other risk factors in determining delay to emergency department arrival in acute ischemic stroke. Ethn Dis. 2013; 23(1):29-34.

21.Siegler JE, Boehme AK, Kumar AD, et al. Identification of modifiable and nonmodifiable risk factors for neurologic deterioration after acute ischemic stroke. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2012; 22(7):e207-13.

22. Kumar AD, Boehme AK, Siegler JE, Gillette M, Albright KC, Martin-Schild S. Leukocytosis in patients with neurologic deterioration after acute ischemic stroke is
associated with poor outcomes. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2012; 22(7):e111-7.

23. Saver JL, Warach S, Janis S, et al. Standardizing the structure of stoke clinical and epidemiological research data: the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) Stroke Common Data Element (CDE) project. Stroke. 2012; 43:967-73.

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25. Drolet BC, Johnson KB. Categorizing the world of registries. J Biomed Inform. 2008; 41(6):1009-20.

26. Bufalino VJ, Masoudi FA, Stranne SK, et al. The American Heart Association’s recommendations for expanding the applications of existing and future clinical registries: a policy statement from the American Heart Association. Circulation. 2011; 123:2167-79.

27. Jones EM, Albright KC, Fossati-Bellani M, Siegler JE, Martin-Schild S. Emergency department shift change is associated with pneumonia in patients with acute ischemic stroke. Stroke. 2011; 42:3226-30.

28. Johnson CM, Nahm M, Shaw RJ, et al. Can prospective usability evaluation predict data errors? AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2010; 2010:346-50.

29. Reeves MJ, Mullard AJ, Wehner S. Inter-rater reliability of data elements from a prototype of the paul coverdell national acute stroke registry. BMC Neurol. 2008; 8:19.

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37. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Use of a registry to improve acute stroke care-seven states, 2005-2009. MMWR. 2011; 60(07):206-10.

Spring 2013 – All Heart

All Heart.
Brittney M. Benjamin.
Author Affiliations:
College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University, Grand Rapids, MI, USA

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Corresponding author: Brittney M. Benjamin; brittneymichellebenjamin[at]
Key Words: N/A

There has been a trend to portray doctors as “all” - all knowing, all thinking, all seeing, all doing. We’re all brains, learning and memorizing, and all hands, cutting and suturing. Doctors can be any or none of these things, but sometimes we miss our greatest strength: we can be all Heart. And by being all Heart, we must be careful how our experiences affect us.

Published: May 31, 2013
Senior Editor: N/A
Junior Editor: N/A
DOI: Pending
Benjamin BM. All Heart. Medical Student Research Journal. 2013;2(Spring):20.

Spring 2013 – Letter From the Editors

Letter From the Editors.
Chad Klochko.
Author Affiliations:
College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA

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Corresponding Author: Chad Klochko; Chad[at]
Key Words: N/A
It has been a pleasure to work as an editor over the past year. I believe that this can be a significant outlet for medical students to publish their research work, enabling them to receive credit for publishing, but even more importantly, contributing to the general body of medical knowledge and teaching valuable academic skills.

Published: May 31, 2013
Senior Editor: N/A
Junior Editor: N/A
DOI: Pending
Klochko C. Letter From the Editors. Medical Student Research Journal. 2013;2(Spring):19.

Editorial Staff 2013-2014

Introducing the 2013 – 2014 editorial staff for the MSRJ. This is an exciting time for our staff as another year passes and they gain more experience in the medical journal field. We’re enthusiastic about the new directions the journal is taking, the fantastic submissions we get each month, and the opportunity to help out other medical students across the world!

Continue reading

Winter 2013 – Too Small to Fail

Too Small to Fail.
Chad Klochko.
Author Affiliations:
College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA

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Corresponding Author: Chad Klochko; chad[at]
Key Words: N/A
On December 7, 2012, Nicholas Kristof, two-time Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, wrote a compelling article about people in poverty in the United States. The article, which appeared in the New York Times, describes the plight of young children who are failing in school and who are not acquiring the skills needed to move forward in their education, and tragically, in some cases, parents are allowing them to fail.

Published: February 27, 2013
Senior Editor: N/A
Junior Editor: N/A
DOI: Pending
Klochko C. Too Small to Fail. Medical Student Research Journal. 2013;2(Winter):17-18.
1. Kristof N. Profiting from a child’s illiteracy. The New York Times, 7 December 2012. Available from: [cited 23 January 2013].

2. Kathy R, Pavetti L. SSI and children with disabilities: just the facts. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Available from: [cited 23 January 2013].

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5. Hemmeter J, Kauff J, Wittenburg D. Changing circumstances: experiences of child SSI recipients before and after their age-18 redetermination for adult benefits. J Vocat Rehabil. 2009; 30:201-21.

6. DeCesaro A, Hemmeter J. Unmet health care needs and medical out-of-pocket expenses of SSI children. J Vocat Rehabil. 2009; 30:3.

7. About Us. Save the Children. (2012, December). Available from: [cited 23 January 2013].

8. The Power and Promise of Education. Save the Children. (n.d.). Available from: [cited 23 January 2013].

9. What is Health Literacy? National Institutes of Health. (2012, March 5). Available from: [cited 23 January 2013].

10. Weir E. Illiteracy as a public health issue. CMAJ. 2001; 164:1486.

11. Kutner M, Greenberg E, Jin Y, Paulsen C. The health literacy of America’s adults: results from the 2003 National Assessment of Adult Literacy. National Center for Education Statistics. Available from: [cited 23 January 2013].