Spring 2013 – Funding the Future

Funding the Future.
David L. Ortiz.

Author Affiliations:
College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA

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Corresponding author: David Ortiz; ortizdav[at]msu.edu
Key Words: N/A

The problems facing healthcare training today are not simple. Predictions about future demand for physicians have a poor track record, as the GMENAC studies of the 1980s showed. Even if one could predict perfectly the demand for physicians in the future, history has shown that it takes 10-40 years for the full effects of increased medical school enrollment to be felt. The rate of GME must rise. In its present state, GME could sustain reductions as great as 10% of funding without the loss of total residency slots, but any decrease in GME funding will undoubtedly perpetuate the inadequacy of the physician workforce. By 2016, without increased GME funding, there will be a substantial increase in the number of unmatched US seniors and a substantial decrease in the number of foreign medical grads.

Published: May 31, 2013
Senior Editor: N/A
Junior Editor: N/A
DOI: Pending
Ortiz DL. Funding the Future. Medical Student Research Journal. 2013;2(Spring):36-39.
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Winter 2013 – Too Small to Fail

Too Small to Fail.
Chad Klochko.
Author Affiliations:
College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA

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Corresponding Author: Chad Klochko; chad[at]msrj.chm.msu.edu
Key Words: N/A
On December 7, 2012, Nicholas Kristof, two-time Pulitzer Prize winning journalist, wrote a compelling article about people in poverty in the United States. The article, which appeared in the New York Times, describes the plight of young children who are failing in school and who are not acquiring the skills needed to move forward in their education, and tragically, in some cases, parents are allowing them to fail.

Published: February 27, 2013
Senior Editor: N/A
Junior Editor: N/A
DOI: Pending
Klochko C. Too Small to Fail. Medical Student Research Journal. 2013;2(Winter):17-18.
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