Winter 2013 – The Role of Ultrasound Screening in Reducing AAA Mortality: A Review

The Role of Ultrasound Screening in Reducing AAA Mortality: A Review.
Kashif Imran Ahmad.
Author Affiliations:
Medical School, Liverpool University, Liverpool, England

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Corresponding author: Kashif Imran Ahmad; K.Ahmad[at]
Key Words: population; screening; ultrasonography; abdominal aortic aneurysms; mortality; systematic review.
Men aged 65-79 are at the highest risk of having an abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) as well as a high incidence of rupture; this is treated as a surgical emergency, which has a total mortality of 75-90%. The diameter of an AAA proves to be the most useful risk factor in predicting mortality rates.

Published: February 27, 2013
Senior Editor: Emina Bajrovic
Junior Editor: Bobby Gambhir
DOI: Pending
Ahmad KI. The Role of Ultrasound Screening in Reducing AAA Mortality: A Review. Medical Student Research Journal. 2013;2(Winter):3-10.
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