Category Archives: Featured
MSRJ Submissions
Here is a quick guide to understand what percentage of articles are submitted, reviewed and accepted at MSRJ! Submissions statistics will be updated after every published issue. Look for more statistics as we continue to receive amazing manuscripts from talented medical students from around the world.
Editors Travel to DC
This past week, MSRJ executive editors Jessica Wummel and Kevin Patterson had the unique opportunity to visit the beautiful city of Washington, D.C. to participate in the Rally for Medical Research Hill Day. Continue reading
Vol. 3: Fall, 2013
After much anticipation our latest issue, Volume 3 – Fall 2013 has now been published!
Articles Around the World
MSRJ is known around the world. Authors from many different countries submit articles, check out where our authors are from!
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MSRJ Contest
Medical Student Research Journal Submission Contest
We at the MSRJ want to encourage student publications, so we’ve decided to organize a contest for a cash reward! We are pleased to announce the introduction of the MSRJ Submission Contest! $300 goes to the winner of each of four categories: Best Case Report, Best Reflection, Best Original Research or Brief Report, and Best Review to be submitted for possible publication. We will be voting for the best manuscript submitted in each of these categories. Submissions are due by October 1st, 2013 and you can learn more about the contest rules and guidelines here.
Vol. 2: Spring, 2013
After much anticipation our latest issue, Volume 2 – Spring 2013 has now been published!
MSRJ at the National Student Research Forum
[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #18453B;”]L[/dropcap]ast week, several MSRJ editors left the chilly Michigan weather behind to travel to beautiful Galveston, Texas and attend the 54th annual National Student Research Forum (NSRF) at University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB). Continue reading
Vol. 2: Winter, 2013
We are pleased to release the Volume 2, Winter 2013 issue of the Medical Student Research Journal.
MSRJ Travels!
[dropcap style=”font-size: 60px; color: #18453B;”] T [/dropcap]he board and elective students of MSRJ will travel across Michigan and the U.S. to spread the word about MSRJ. Our first stops are in Galveston, Texas for the National Student Research Forum and the GRMEP Research Day in Grand Rapids, MI at the end of April. Future travels may include Lansing, Kalamazoo, and Flint Research Days, and American College of Physician Meetings Continue reading