The Growth of Medical Student Opportunities in Global Health.
Author: Johnathan Kao, MPH
Author Affiliations: College of Human Medicine, Michigan State University, Flint, MI, USA
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Corresponding Author: Johnathan Kao; johnathan.kao[at]
Key Words: sexual health; relationships; intimacy; radiotherapy; psycho-supportive treatment; hormone therapy.
Abstract: Since the establishment of the World Health Organization on April 7, 1948,1 global health has grown in prominence and popularity among health care workers at all levels of training. International clinical rotation electives have been available to students for over half a century2 and interest in these programs
has risen steadily over the decades. During this period, many organizations established programs for students and faculty interested in global health research and service. In 2006, these organizations united under the WHO’s Global Health Workforce Alliance to assist students and faculty in becoming more involved in global health activities.3 Despite these Changes, in 2007, Drain et al recognized a lack of global health education in medical schools and growing student interest, calling for more opportunities
to fill the gap.4
Published on date: September 31, 2014
Senior Editor: N/A
Junior Editor: N/A
DOI: Pending
Citation: Kao J. The Growth of Medical Student Opportunities in Global Health. Medical Student Research Journal. 2014;4(Fall):48-50.
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