Thank you for your interest in becoming a reviewer for the Medical Student Research Journal (MSRJ)!
Students enrolled in an accredited medical college (verified by letter from dean’s department) may apply to become a reviewer for the journal. The prospective reviewers will complete a concise training, including lectures and modules on the process and background of article review. After finishing the MSRJ training, the students will then be a reviewer for the journal.
Here are the steps:
- Complete the Online Certified Peer Reviewer Course
- Send us your Certificate of Completion of the above course
- Review the “MSRJ Review Process” presentation
- Review the “Writing your Manuscript Review” presentation
- Complete our short quiz
- Request a Letter of Good Standing.
1. Online Student Reviewer Training
This online training program has been designed and created by Elsevier and retrofitted to include interaction with the MSRJ online review system. This will allow reviewers a great opportunity to familiarize themselves with the process of reviewing for the MSRJ and the important concepts of peer review. Please read through the instructions carefully and completely to ensure timely processing of your application. You only need to complete the following sections:
1.1 – What is peer review? Why peer review? – 12 mins
1.3 – The typical peer review process – 20 mins
1.4 – How to get involved – 6 mins
3.1 – How to write a helpful peer review report – 25 mins
3.2 – The comments to editors and decision recommendations – 17 mins
3.3 – How to peer review a review article – 1 hr
2 hours and 20 minutes total

2. Certificate of Completion
Follow these instructions: MSRJ Module Instructions.docx
3. Review the “MSRJ Review Process” presentation
4. Review the “Writing your Manuscript Review” presentation
5. Complete our short quiz
After watching the lectures and presentations, take our short quiz. Once you have completed the quiz, screen shot your quiz completion page to send with your documents. We will have the results of your quiz.
6. Letter of Good Standing
Request a Letter of Good Standing from the Dean’s Office or Office of Academic Affairs of your medical college stating that you are both currently enrolled and in good standing. You will be asked to submit this document before receiving submitted articles.
7. Email usĀ
Email us your completed materials and await the creation of your MSRJ email address at
Special appreciation for the use of the Elsevier Researcher Academy reviewer training module. Their dedication to training reviewers and members of the scientific community should be commended!
Last Update: 10Jun2023