Once the reviewers have completed the reviewing process regarding the submitted manuscript, there are 4 possible outcomes described below:
Accept without Revisions
The manuscript is ready for publication in its original form and no revisions are required. Only superficial changes such as grammar, spelling, and formatting will be made.
Accept with Revisions
This is a fine manuscript that is nearly publishable, but some minor or major flaws require attention; the manuscript is provisionally accepted and will be published provided the authors make the revisions suggested by the reviewers. Authors are asked to explain if comments are not able to be met, or if the manuscript cannot be modified as suggested. Responses must be formatted according to our author response guide. To enable timely publication, the authors are generally given 2 weeks to complete the revisions.
This decision is neither an acceptance nor a decline. In order for your manuscript to be reconsidered in another round of review, the manuscript must be edited according to the suggestions made by the reviewers and faculty adviser. Three new reviewers will evaluate whether or not the resubmission is adequate. Authors are asked to explain if comments are not able to be met, or the manuscript cannot be modified as suggested. We ask that the revised manuscript be sent back with the changes, and a copy of author responses to each reviewer’s comments be submitted as well, according to our author response guide. To enable timely publication, the authors are generally asked to complete the revisions in 3-4 weeks.
A decline status indicates the manuscript is not appropriate for the journal or does not meet the quality of MSRJ for publishing. No further revisions will be considered. Authors will still receive reviewer comments and suggestions for improving the manuscript for submission to a different journal.